Hearts for Hearing Blog

audiologist explaining hearing exam results with adult female patient

Untreated Hearing Loss and Quality of Life

Adult hearing loss often occurs gradually. This can make it more difficult for people to realize there is deterioration or recognize to what extent their hearing has declined. Experiences associated with hearing loss can cause many different frustrations, even difficulties. Let’s review some of the common issues individuals with hearing loss may face and ways to help improve the quality of life for those with untreated hearing loss.

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Photo of a girl with glasses smiling at the camera. She has dark hair and a light colored top.

Henrietta’s Story

Henrietta experienced hearing loss as a young adult. “Music is her love language,” says Mom, “and my vibrant, bubbly, gregarious child who loves everybody – and wants to sing and dance with you – found herself in an increasingly silent world. She was in depression.”

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black and white photo of a young boy with cochlear implants shaking a tambourine

Elijah’s Story

When Elijah was born, he was “absolutely perfect” recalls his mom. “We didn’t think anything of it when he did not pass his newborn hearing screen, and we were told it was probably just fluid in his ear.” Elijah was referred for a routine follow-up which again he did not pass. “Even then, it wasn’t scary for me because we didn’t have any hearing loss in our family, so we didn’t think it was even a possibility.”

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a black and white photo of a girl with dark curly hair infront of a window

Lily’s Story

“I’m told I was a feisty one,” says Lily Hernandez, “a stubborn one,” she adds. “Tami Elder was my Listening and Spoken Language Specialist. I remember all the games we played with my family in therapy. She was very patient and fun.” That’s how Lily fondly recalls her early speech therapy sessions at Hearts for Hearing when she was a toddler.

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A black and white photo of Peter Hardt smiling with his arms crossed. He is wearing a plaid shirt.

Peter’s Story

Peter, 23 years old now, was the first baby in the state of Oklahoma identified with hearing loss through Oklahoma’s mandated newborn hearing screening program which required, beginning in 2000, that all newborns receive a hearing test before discharge from the hospital.

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young girl sitting inside historic horse coach, grandfather smiling closely by

Hadley’s Story

Hadley & Dennis Krueger GRAND MOMENTS Listening to each other’s questions and critiques, enjoying laughter, even quiet times of reflection. These moments are part of

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father and son playing together on playground
Parent Perspective

Kaysen’s Story

“When Kaysen was just a few days old, we learned he had a severe to profound hearing loss. When he was first, diagnosed, I worried

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