How Parents Can Make Hearing Protection Fun With Kid Friendly Accessories

Ask any parent what their greatest responsibility is as a parent, and they will give you a litany of important protections. They will list learning to stay safe when crossing the street, learning to safely swim, ride a bike, getting needed vaccines, keeping nefarious strangers away, and many other parental guides. Hearing health may not even be on the list, but it should be. It’s a responsibility parents need to focus on, like how parents can make hearing protection fun with kid friendly accessories.

Noise, Noise, and More Noise

If protecting your child from noise is a new concept for you, keep reading. OurA kid at a concert with hearing protection. lives and our environment are full of noise. Most of it is not healthy for your child’s hearing. Noise-induced hearing loss is a problem for all ages, but can be especially dangerous for young children since their ears are not fully developed. Permanent damage can occur during childhood.

Simple Ways to Protect Your Child’s Hearing

You can’t protect your child from life, but you can help them avoid situations dangerous to their hearing. 

  • If you are going to an outdoor event, fireworks, or a concert, move away from the speakers.
  • Bring earplugs to use, and you use them too. Modeling the behavior helps children understand their importance and can lead to further teachable moments. Be sure to get child-sized versions as early as 5 or 6 years old.
  • Always check the noise level of a toy before purchasing it. Many are too loud.
  • If your child is wearing a headset and you can hear the music, it is too loud.
  • Lower the sound level on smartphones and other devices. You can set the maximum volume.
  • Encourage children to give their ears a rest with regular breaks and by taking off headphones and earbuds.
  • Teen musicians can benefit from special musician earplugs.

Some Fun Ways to Learn About Hearing Safety

Make a game/quiz out of learning about healthy hearing here.

Learn together about noise levels in this teachable moment here.

Challenge your children to help keep your home more quiet here.

Simple precautions like keeping volumes low, using ear protection, and giving ears a rest can all help to preserve your child’s hearing.

Contact Hearts for Hearing for testing in Tulsa or Oklahoma City if you suspect your child may have hearing loss.

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