Why Hearing Aid Fittings Are Crucial 

Audiologist putting hearing aids on patient.

Susan is a very busy person. Between work, family, and active social life it’s hard to find the time to make appointments for her health much less keep them. And that’s why she’s thrilled that she figured out how to order devices to improve her hearing online. She doesn’t have to make time in her […]

Cochlear Implants vs Hearing Aids What’s the Difference

Audiologist pointing at hearing aids.

The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies hearing loss as one of the most common causes of disability, affecting nearly 30 million individuals in the United States (1 in 8 people).   Depending on the degree and type of hearing loss, there are different hearing devices that a person might benefit from. Two common types of hearing […]

What Are Best Practices for Teen Musicians to Protect Their Hearing?

Teenager playing instrument.

What Are Best Practices for Teen Musicians to Protect Their Hearing? We have all been to concerts with music blaring from speakers, and we walk out with ringing in our ears and other noticeable hearing issues. Imagine the issues the actual musicians in the band deal with after each concert. Most of us love loud […]

How Can Teens Avoid Noise Induced Hearing Loss

Young lady holding ear in pain.

How Can Teens Avoid Noise Induced Hearing Loss Be honest. When was the last time you saw a young person on the street, or anywhere, without earbuds in their ears? Whether it’s walking down the street, jogging, on their way to work, or just relaxing, they are distracted by the noise in their ears. As […]

How Parents Can Make Hearing Protection Fun With Kid Friendly Accessories

A kid at a concert with hearing protection.

How Parents Can Make Hearing Protection Fun With Kid Friendly Accessories Ask any parent what their greatest responsibility is as a parent, and they will give you a litany of important protections. They will list learning to stay safe when crossing the street, learning to safely swim, ride a bike, getting needed vaccines, keeping nefarious […]

Tips for Communicating With a Child With Hearing Loss

Any adult, whether a parent or a teacher, can become frustrated when attempting to communicate with a child who has a hearing loss. The child can become frustrated as well, so it’s crucial to be patient and not convey any disapproval. If you are a parent, teacher, or family member, what follows are some important […]

Understanding Early Signs of Hearing Loss in Children

When you smile and talk to your baby, they laugh and giggle back. However, when there is a loud noise that startles everyone, they don’t flinch. It is imperative that parents note these kinds of anomalies as they can be early signs of hearing loss. Let’s look further into understanding early signs of hearing loss […]

Can Headphones and Earbuds Cause Hearing Loss?

lady with earbuds in.

Rarely do we see a young adult in public without an earbud in their ears. Headphones are a bit more cumbersome, but teens still find them a way to escape from their surroundings. We all enjoy listening to music no matter our age, but younger people rely on music to pass the time. So, can […]

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